Montag, 10. Dezember 2007


Newsweek erklärt uns, wieso Stadtplanung und die Medien zu der Gewalt in den Pariser Vorstädten beitragen:
As frustration grew, the layout of the typical French housing project—tall towers with large windows, surrounding vacant spaces—made car burning a spectacular method of protest, marking territory and achieving respect.

Und in der New York Times lesen wir erstaunt, dass Chinas Wirtschaft noch gar nicht so doll ist, wie wir alle dachten:
It turns out that things in China are more expensive. It’s as though we discovered that the real price of the noodles in Beijing was 50 yuan, yielding a P.P.P. of 12.5 yuan to the dollar rather than 10. That means the Chinese are relatively poorer and China’s economy is smaller than everybody thought.

Ebenfalls in der New York Times finden wir dieses interessante Stück über Online Kampagnen in den USA und vor welche Probleme die hoffnungsvollen Kandidaten gestellt werden:
Companies have realized that since they can no longer expect to unilaterally define the market the way they once did, they might as well let the market have some control over designing and branding the product.

Perhaps only in Washington, where so few people have dominated so much for so long, is this trend viewed as inherently negative.

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